Every year I whine and complain about how awful my birthday is. I’ll tell just about anyone who will listen how I was completely jipped out of a real birthday, how I always get the shaft when it comes to gifts, and how virtually every birthday I can remember was spent sitting at home watching football while everyone else prepared for Christmas. I have serious birthday issues, that I will readily admit. Those birthday issues also became Christmas issues, and my lack of a “real” birthday made me a total Ebeneezer Scrooge when it came to all things Christmas related.
This year, I decided I was ready for a change. My wonderful boyfriend Jason gets most of the credit.. Christmas is one of his favorite times of the year, and he gets really excited about lights and Christmas music and all that jazz. I didn’t want my “Bah Humbugs” to bring him down this year, so I committed to enjoying both my birthday and Christmas to the very fullest, and man am I glad I did. We have had such a blast this year celebrating the dual festivities, from a stellar birthday dinner with so many of my college friends, clients, and wedding industry colleagues, to decorating the house with lights and tinsel and stockings as we listened to Jason’s patented Christmas mix, to a full week of holiday festivities. Now, finally, the big day has come, and I am beyond thrilled to finally be the ripe old age of 26! 25 was the best year of my life thus far, and 26 is looking to blow it completely out of the water. Bring it on!

See? Santa and I are totally buddies now.
Every year I appeal to my blog readers to help me celebrate my birthday by giving to a great cause. Last year I recommended Kiva.org, Thirst Relief, and the ASPCA as great options for your small donations, or the fantastic website Free Rice for those of you who want to do a good deed but are a little strapped for cash.
Although I still support all of these causes and highly recommending sending a few bucks (or clicks) their way, this year I want to switch it up and offer to do something for my readers. From now until midnight on Christmas Day, you can receive a $50 discount on the Mind Your Business workshop by signing up using THIS LINK. That’s ten solid hours jam-package with honest, useful, and applicable advice that’s going to help you start booking more clients and making more money IMMEDIATELY! Personally I think it’s a pretty good investment, but I guess I am a little biased. Remember, you must use THIS LINK to get the discount.
If you’d like to offer me a birthday or Christmas wish, I would greatly appreciate your comment on this post, and so would the North Texas Food Bank, since I will be donating one canned good for every comment received in the month of December! We’re well over 100 cans, which is amazing, but my personal goal is to get it up to at least 150 cans before the month is up, so get to commenting, and have a fantastic Christmas!

Myself, Jason, and my mom at Gaylord ICE! for my birthday last year.
happy birthday, love.
Happy Birthday Stacy!! Love that you have embraced your b-day and that you’re buddies with Santa now. :) That is such a cute pic! Cheers to an awesome year ahead!
So happy to hear you had a great birthday this year. Happy birthday friend! Very happy for you and what 26 has to offer!
Happy Birthday once again, just doing this to get that 1 canned good for you ;)
Happy b-day Stacy.. hope you had a good one! =D
Happy birthday, Stacy!!! Hope you have a great one :)
Happy birthday!!!! Woo hoo! Oh yeah! Have a good one! Live it up! Party all day!!! Treat yourself! Go wild!
Happy Birthday! The most awesome birthday date of them all.
Happy birthday to yooooooooooooou!
Happy birthday lady. I hope you have a good one!!!
Happy birthday Stacy! Glad to see you back in SWPB :)
happy birthday, stacy!
Happy Happy Birthday friend!
Happy birthday!!!! Hope you have an amazing day! Glad to see you chose to enjoy your birthday AND christmas this year :) I can’t imagine what it must be like to have a birthday around Christmas, must be difficult. Anyways, have a great day, and good luck with the donation of the cans :) That’s very awesome of you to do! Keep up the great work and have a great 26th year :)
I am amazed at you for all that you have accomplished in your life. Well done. Just think what the future holds. Happy B-Day Stacy!
Happy Birthday, Stacy!! :)
Happy Birthday Stacy! Here’s to a happy and healthy new year as an old 26 year old! :)
Have a happy birthday and a merry Christmas!
Happy Birthday and HAPPY “I Love My Birthday this year”!! My daughter was born on New Year’s Day so we started giving her a 1/2 birthday party on July 1st. Oh yes….we celebrated on New Year’s day too but her big BLOW OUT party with all her friends (who were gone over New Year’s) was on July 1st. And everyone thought it was so cool – she was the only kid who got a 1/2 birthday party! Just a thought! :-)
Also….I’m a fellow Texan! South Texas but my dad was born in Borger which is North Texas so that’s cool that you give to that charity.
Merry Christmas and HAPPY EVERY DAY!
Happy Birthday Stacy!! I hope you have a wonderful day!! :)
Happy Birthday Stacy! I hope it’s fabulous!!!
Merry Christmas Eve birthday! Maybe you should pick a day in July and celebrate then, a summer time birthday celebration is so much fun and it will leave your holidays merry and bright.. I propose July 24th to be your 1/2 birthday :) Cheers, Christine
Happy Christmas Eve Birthday Stacy! Tell Santa HOWDY!
Happy Birthday!
Happy Birthday Stacy!!! Yay! 26 will be an amazing year too!
And a very Merry Christmas to you… this is my first xmas I’m actually celebrating (long story) so we’re in it together. (and notice you got to comments for two separate events!) :)
Happy birthday, Stacy!! Here’s to 2010!
happy birthday, and congrats on getting past those issues to enjoy Christmas ;)
thanks for all the inspiration this year and wishing you the Lord’s blessings in the next as well!
Happy Birthday to an amazing photographer! I hope to come to your conference….though I have never been on a plane and live in Atlanta! A little scared! :)
Happy Birthday!!! Hope that you have a Great day, and Merry Christmas :)
happy birthday from us Q’s :)
Happy Birthday! I enjoy your feeds via FB & Tw. Keep up the great work, hope all is well and Merry Christmas!
You got snow on your birthday! You and Santa really are friends!!!!!
Happy Birthday!
.:*happy birthday*:. & merry christmas to my FAVORITE photographer!!
Hey, I’m exactly 10 years older than you! I turned 36 on December 23rd. :o) Do I get some kind of a prize? :P
Happy birthday!
Happy belated Birthday Stacy! I hope you have a fantastic year!
Hope this year is your best ever!
I know I’m really late, but, happy birthday lady!!!
Happy Birthday!! You and Santa make a fab team!! Hope he was good to you this year ;0)
Great pic!! May this year bring you many wishes and much happiness!!
Happy Belated Birthday! You’re a wonderful photographer! I’m always visiting this website to see your pictures and get tips. I’m an amateur photographer and my dream is to be a wedding photographer and all that it entails. :D
Hope this helps the cause! :)
Happy “not Christmas,a whole day before” birthday to you!! Mine is Dec. 10th, and I thought I had it bad. :) Hoping we will see you at the next local Dallas photography get-together!
happy birthday! a wedding is no where in sight for me, but i adore your photographs and find myself on your website too often! you are extremely talented.
I absolutely love the picture of you and Santa. Miss you much!! I’m glad you enjoyed both your birthday and Christmas this year. Happy 2010, friend.