I can’t say this enough – I LOVE DAY AFTER SESSIONS! They are easily my favorite thing to photograph. It is everything I love about bridal sessions, engagement sessions, and weddings all rolled up into one. I especially love it when a couple as much style and personality as Jenny and Casey. I could photograph these two all the live long day and never get sick of looking at their beautiful faces and how loving they are with each other. Posting this session actually makes me a little sad because I won’t have any excuse to put them back on the blog after this! Here are some of my favorites from their Day After session at the Old McKinney Cotton Mill.

There are so many benefits to doing a Day After session.. For starters, you don’t have to spend much/any time getting these photos on the wedding day, so you get to your reception faster and don’t have to leave your guests waiting for as long. You can also go to whatever location you want, and it gives me much more freedom to pose you because I don’t have to be so worried about getting dirt on the dress or the tux. We’re not rushed at all, so we can take time to try new and unique things and get a much more diverse collection of images for you to choose from. Even though the session is called a Day After session, I rarely do them on the actual day after the wedding. Jenny and Casey’s session was done a week after their wedding, and many couples choose to wait until after they return from their honeymoon and have had time to relax and unwind from the flurry of wedding activity. I’ve even had a few couples choose to do their Day After session during their honeymoon – this January I’ll be traveling with one of my couples to Paris and Venice to do their session! If you’re interested in getting gorgeous images of you and your spouse-to-be, let me know!
WOW! LOVE this shoot! The location, the lighting, everything…just gorgeous! Perhaps one of my favorites of yours.
And the empty warehouse…did you sneak in? What a fun place to take some photos!
You use the locations so well Stacy…! Another great series, congratulations.
I love your work!! These pics are so romantic and sweet. The feet shot is great and I love your use of the flare in the last shot!
i LOVE this session, SO much!! it’s romantic, beautiful….just perfect!
I love the last pic Stacy, very serene and romantic. Kudos!
Stacy, you say you don’t use grey card to set your camera to the right white balance. How do you get it just right then? Is it experience and you just simply know what K you need for the particular light situation or you use AWB and fix it up in Photoshop later?
Thanks :)
P.s.: Your work is still a big motivation kick and thank you for that! :)
I shoot in RAW so it would be pointless for me to set the white balance as it just resets to the default in Lightroom anyway. But even if I didn’t, I would likely use AWB because the lighting during a wedding can change dramatically in a matter of seconds, and if I were busy always shooting my grey card and changing the WB, I would miss out on a lot of great moments.
I LOVE this shoot! Especially the photo of them in the middle of the barn when Casey has his cowboy hat on and they’re kissing… love!
This is my favorite session ever – of anyone – EVER. :) Your skills are amazing, am totally digging your style. Ahhhh, the tones!!
Oh my goodness…I am just in love with your work! You are a true artist =) The last one is my absolute fave–sooo romantic!!
I can tell why Day After Sessions are your favorite! These are gorgeous images! You are a master at backlighting – inpirational!