It’s pretty much common sense for any business person to never do business with their friends and family.. Well, apparently I didn’t get that memo because my favorite weddings to shoot are the ones I do for people I have known for years. It seems like the photos come out so much better when you know so many members of the wedding party and everyone feels comfortable having you around. I already know Lisa and Grant’s wedding is going to be exactly like that – it will practically be a T-Camp reunion! T-Camp was an organization at our alma mater, Texas A&M, that helped incoming transfer students learn about the traditions and culture in Aggieland. One year not too long ago, Lisa and I were counselors in Camp Stratta, and Grant was one of our venerable co-chairs. When you spend so much time together, you’re bound to have a few love connections, and sure enough, Lisa and Grant got hooked on each other! I have so many great memories with these guys, not the least of which was the nickname that plagued me for months – Steakballs – so I’m super excited to be a part of their wedding day!!
I’d been wanting to do a session in Wal-Mart, but I wasn’t sure that I could get a couple to agree to it.. Then along came Grant and Lisa, who are totally chill and fun and always up for anything, so they agreed to be my guinea pigs! I also can’t go in a Wal-Mart without hearing Lisa’s voice in my head yelling “Iiiiiii knoooooow!!” in a thick Southern drawl (part of an old Camp Stratta skit), so it’s somewhat fitting. Lisa and Grant, thanks so much for volunteering to try some new and crazy things out with me, and for being great friends. Can’t wait for the wedding!

that’s fantastic. how did you guys not get kicked out? maybe you did ;-)
Excellent series of images Stacy – well done!!
I didn’t know Walmart can be that fun… Great work Stacy, keep it up.
I KNOW her! Somehow…I think my friend Rowdy met Lisa at T-Camp. Red headed Rowdy Patterson…? VERY COOL to see her engagement pics. Thanks!
*still waiting for Stacy and JM’s wedding. soooo anxious!
Oh my gosh… I looooooove it!
Did any Wal-mart employees give you flack about it?
Theirs is coming up soon, I promise!! It’s the next wedding on the list!
We avoided all the employees.. Mostly shot in back aisles where no one could see us.. Pretty sure we would have gotten kicked out if we were discovered!
@stacyreeves – “shot in back aisles”… LOVE IT. :)
Funny! My husband can’t stay out of Walmart and I kept joking we should do our e-session there.
So did you get permission to shoot there? Just curious on how stores react to such an event. :) and if they did, ok, even if they didn’t could you talk about your lighting technique or approach?
Everything was shot with natural light so as to not attract much attention. We basically just stayed in areas of the store that didn’t have a lot of people, and any time we saw an employee we just acted like we were normal shoppers. We saved the more out-there stuff (such as the shopping cart photos) for last, because we figured we’d get kicked out after that.
At first I thought “WalMart? Really?” And then the pictures were awesome. So Fun! I tried to take a picture of a child once in a Target store and got kicked out… they had video cameras everywhere! I’m glad you were successful!
I’m so impressed you didn’t get kicked out! During all of our journalism classes, my classmates got kicked out left and right, even with point n shoots. I love the shopping cart images.
The Walmart section is SO cool…
Well Done
What a great session Stacy! It looks like you guys had a blast!
OMG!!!! Too cute. What a crazy idea that nobody has ever tried. I don’t know which one I liked better…..the cute lovable ones or the magazine one. Congrats to you two.
Stacy, these are great engagement shots. The couple looks like they are having fun and they like to enjoy life! Kudos to you for coming up with some creative ideas for the shots to provide long lasting moments for the couple.
those are fantastic!! what a great idea! they entire shoot is so much fun!!
Love the shopping cart-kissing pic! Great work Stacy!!
These are such fun photos! And the magazine shot is so cute! great job :)
This is SOOOOOO CUTE! I love the Walmart idea :)
I love looking at your blog. You do a great job!
lol! Wow… defineately the most original e-session I’ve ever seen! They worked out well. I love the motion blur shopping cart. Way to think out of the box!
I never would have thought photos in Walmart would turn out so cool. Very well done.
I love how you just made Wal-Mart the ideal location! Congrats on some really excellent images!
I had the same thought as (almost) everyone else: How did you avoid getting kicked out? But you make a fabulous point: Wal-Mart is so big, you can just avoid the employees. : )
Fantastic job on the photos! I love the hula-hoop shot, they’re concentrating so hard! Wal-Mart is such a unique idea & there are props everywhere!
Stacy Reeves does WalMart!! i love it. Just a brilliant idea!
Brilliant and original! The lampshade one is hysterical and my fav!